A lot goes into managing and ensuring efficient throughput in an automotive manufacturing plant.
Hiring a complete facility maintenance services team is an option that many businesses overlook. These specialized companies – like TEAM Group – exist to provide tailored integrated facility services that are custom designed to meet your needs and improve throughput and countless other aspects of your processes. Curious? Read on to find out more.
You can work alongside complete industrial cleaning services and  facilities maintenance companies to create a trusted plan that helps improve areas where your business’s efficiency may be lacking. There is nothing wrong with admitting that a process you thought was fool proof needs more work. After all, technology, demands and goals change, so why not work on tweaking things a bit? Are you feeling the pressure of ever-tightening budgets affecting your progress towards improved throughput? That’s another great reason to partner with us.
You Have the Foundation, Let Us Help
At TEAM, issues with technical cleaning, spray booth performance and improving monitoring are just some aspects pertaining to automotive manufacturing that we solve every day. If you’re looking for a serious services provider that caters to the prevention and detection of repetitive maintenance issues, and towards greater satisfaction of the overall product, then look no further and partner with us today.
How Do You Improve Throughput Related to Automotive Manufacturing?
Partnering with TEAM Group can help improve the throughput in your automotive manufacturing plant. Not sure where to begin? At least having an idea of where you may be lacking is a good start, but if you’re not sure, read on and consider the other important aspects we highlight in the article below. This could be the key to unlocking improved throughput and many other benefits.
Tweak Your Policies and Procedures – Improved Quality
When was the last time you looked over your very set-in-stone daily production regimen? If there are any policies or procedures you may flag as being a tad outdated, it may be time to take out the drawing board. Creating new guidelines to streamline processes will be advantageous for many reasons. More then just a check off your to-list, tweaking your policies and procedures can send a powerful message to your employees that your leadership is aimed at improving their experience while on the job. Without a doubt, the behaviour and attitude of managers can influence on the health and safety culture of their employees. Taking this step will be a phenomenal push forward for both the throughput and the satisfaction of your employees at your automotive manufacturing facility.
Improve Cohesion Between Departments – Responsive Supervision
Interdepartmental cooperation – that’s a mouthful – is another important aspect to consider improving at your facility. If you manage an automotive manufacturing plant, think about how often different departments and staff interact. Have they even had the opportunity to do so? Are you aware of the interactions, even small sub-cultures different teams can have? Have they been able to share, reflect and bounce ideas off each other? Of course, during the pandemic any efforts to socialize have probably been limited, which makes this step and even more important one as we move forward. We all want to get back to normal, so why not make collaboration and cohesion within and between teams a priority?
We all know that leadership comes in many forms and does not necessarily need a title or authority to make it legitimate. There are shining stars within your teams, and it should be your duty to seek them out. A good leader has a vision and the ability to transfer those ideas to others to get real results. If there’s a team member who stands out, celebrate them and the results they’ve achieved. Establishing a good relationship and workplace culture can create the environment for open communication and trust. It will also make your employees like their workplace more if they know what other departments are working towards. This will go a long way in improving morale within the entire automotive manufacturing team and across departments too.
Innovative Services to Focus on in the Automotive Manufacturing Industry
As mentioned earlier, employee satisfaction on the job is important, but we need our processes to be working at top notch as well. Which aspects of automotive manufacturing can TEAM Group help you shine in?
As one of the most prestigiously service providers for automotive manufacturing support, TEAM Group has got you covered for services such as full automotive, paint booth defect analysis, and management pertaining to production tools, chemicals, equipment and waste. In 2020, TEAM Group received the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Elite Supplier Award amongst many other global recognition for its wide range of professional services.
Labor support, robot cover management, oven cleaning, air purifying, light and inventory management is also available. We’d say that’s an impressive repertoire. If any of these areas are concerning you within your facility, and you just need a push in the right direction then consider contacting the professionals at TEAM Group. Our technicians are here 24/7. We mobilize quickly and are onsite to handle any situation.
Where are You Lacking, and Where Would Help Be Most Valuable?
Are there areas of production that need their processes to be streamlined? Have you ever heard of lean manufacturing consulting? This can be a part of hiring a total facility maintenance service and is extremely valuable. You know you want to trim the fat in some areas, but where is this ‘fat’ located and where will I get the most bang for my buck? Lean manufacturing is indeed, about identifying weak areas and then adjusting them as to maximize efficiency once again.
Lean manufacturing is a tailored approach that focuses on eliminating extra waste and the inefficient processes that generate them. Consultants you hire will evaluate and focus on areas that would benefit from value-added adjustments. The technicians at TEAM Group can help with just that: improving process cycle time, delivery time, eliminating sources of defects or extra waste, and just really improving the little things that cause processes to become inefficient or outdated.
Lean Manufacturing – A Recipe for Success and Growth
What’s the best route to take if you indeed want to implement these changes? Think about an integrated facilities management approach. This strategy focuses on combining different aspects of your organization – employee management and training, production, office space, delivery services, equipment maintenance – whatever the process may be – and putting it under the management of a single provider, or at least streamlining it a bit.
Partnering with TEAM Group as your sole facilities maintenance team can help us help you in all these aspects and more. From updating your employee policies to changing the way you set up deliveries, we’ve got the experience to tackle any aspect of your automotive manufacturing needs, and more.